(06-07-2013 22:29)patticake Wrote: [ -> ]Pete, my "toy house" is 4000sq.ft., and it's now too small. My younger son started moving some of his "junk" into it and I have trouble putting the bus in. Plus my other son has me doing mechanical work(lifting pickups) in my shop, because that is where the lift is. Problems, problems
LMHO...... so lets see, 3 motorheads / wrench twisters divided by 4000SF equals 1333.3 SF per person with ONE paying all the rent!!!!!! Question, do you want another adopted son!!!!

All kidding aside, GOOD FOR YOU! It keeps the family close and I am sure you enjoy your times with the boys...well MOST of it anyway!!! Great idea about the build, yes we both live in hurricane prone area's which is why I would NOT build by the house, hence the garage condos I can run to on the mainland if I need it...... I just need to "justify" the expense to myself....so we'll see!
Steve actually brings up some interesting points about family sharing, etc. I said I would share so here is a "use case" you can Tailor to your family and needs by adding and subtracting ideas / items:
1) How many people are going to use it
2) What are your main hobbies / uses: Do you want an "auto shop environment" because you will work on the the coach, cars, motorcycles etc or is it primarily a coach garage and you want a wall between the coach garage and "shop" because your hobbies are metal, wood, etc and you want a fixed tool shop
3) Do you want overnight guests, then put in a pad with hookups
4) Are you going to work on many of your friends coaches, then do you need a bus lift, ramps, or pit
5) Do you need separate power and meters.how much amperage
6) Do you need heat and AC??? Is hazardous weather a factor where you want to build like hurricanes or tornado
Lastly, what is your budget?
Now, gather your wish list, then get it priced, from there look at your budget and then "debate and discuss" with yourself!

Based on the use case you develop, the building materials , size, etc....... should "fall out" automatically and address your use case requirements!
Too funny........ well the bottom line is a lot like the "lottery joke" I use but there is a serious side to it. If I win the lottery and my net work is 370 million, then 1.3 for a bus is chicken feed because my use case changes:
1) I now have a new job as CEO / head of my own investment hedge fund so I will be busy working 12 hour days trying to flip 370 million (last powerball winner in Fl, 84 YO woman in Zeffer Hills) into billions
2) I want a NEW bus and now become an American Express Black mechanic, drop it off at the factory, then let them fix it, I do not have time..my time is now worth BIG BUCKS!
3) Once a month, are you kidding me???? As a CEO of a hedge fund, and with all the new technology, I'd work out of the bus ANYWHERE, just like I do now,albeit I would probably hire a driver so I could work while rolling! So yes at 370 large, the bus is a HECK of a business office / travel write off!
Like I always tell Donna when we buy a quick pick when the lottery gets big, she wishes we'd win, I wish we DON"T.......

Then I tell her because I DO NOT need another full time freakin JOB!!!!!!! Lottery winnings (being wealthy) has a down side and if I am going to put up with the bad, then Dad GUM, I'm gett'in me a cool ride to put up with the BS!

Now her response to that, smart person that she is, is "you know dag well you are going to be bored in retirement so the hedge fund deal is "fun" for someone like you and you know it so stop giving me that line of malarkey!......:-)......:-0.......
My point to all this "lottery winning" use case is there ARE people with a net worth that can very easily handle a 1.3 mil expense........PLENTY of wealthy people in America that can justify the write off, its actually not hard at all! Me, well I drive a 95 bus.., NO write off, everything is just expense, so that says it all for me and my use case!!!!! :-)