Does anyone know anything about this coach? Sally and I are looking to get something newer this year and the Newell's hit the mark on what I have seen and researched. Anyone have an opinion?
(03-03-2013 21:00)BruceSummerlin Wrote: [ -> ]Does anyone know anything about this coach? Sally and I are looking to get something newer this year and the Newell's hit the mark on what I have seen and researched. Anyone have an opinion?
I can save you $90,000.00. I have a 2006 M450 3 slide coach for sale
Jamie Erwin
254 865 3024 cell
254 865 2925 home

David, that's the one. Only 61K miles but 4300 hours on PowerTech. Going to try in get down sometime in the next few weeks to tour the Newell factory. Not quite ready yet, but getting closer. My bird is running so well, hate to jinx it.
Watch the video. Mike does a pretty good job of showing the coach.
Mike Martinkus: one of the oldest most knowledgeable fellas there ever was about Bluebirds. He worked for Bleakley for years.
He was the go to guy on Vintage Birds before Bruce Morris and I started the original Wanderlodge Forum. I'm glad he is back in the luxury coach business.
MMMmmmm, I wish I hadn't watched that!

Well done Mike, and a phenomenal Newell! Wow, when I compare that to my lowly 2002 LXi I happily see that the motorhome industry hasn't stood still. Well done Newell! Bruce, you may have some competition.
BTW, someone who knows Mike better than me should ask him to join WaGu. I think we'd all love to see him feature these special coaches here on WaGu.
SSWEEET ride! Glad Mike is still around, thanks Ernie. Bruce suggestion if you have not already done so, join the Newell guru's and the FREE Prevost forums as a wannabe. As my brilliant wife taught me and tells me all the time "ya wanna check out all your options BEFORE you fall in love again. Love of a high end RV is a LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP DUDE and this will be the last play at the tables"!!!!!!!

FWIW I',m right behind ya dude and a Bird upgrade is off the table for me 100%.! This is the last bird. I am not interested in the remaining upgrade choices left a bird provides. To be totally honest, I'm deciding if I want to go up or down, if I go up, I want something newer than I can get in the current bird populations ( in my timeframe) with the exception of the 09's and not many around......... I think 3 production units and 1 early demo deal.
hi all,
that 2005 is a beautiful coach. was it a race coach? high genny hours usually means it was. my 2002 has 9000 hours on the genny and it is operating fine.
that said, there are some awesome features on this coach.
1. valid ball bearing slides
2. opposing couches up front. i love that
3. really cool desk (no dinette, but mine has a desk instead too so i like that)
5. new body style with the rooflines.
6. ducted hidden roof airs instead of basement airs
7. super pretty wood colored cabinets (couldnt tell if it was wood veneer or laminate)
8. it has the executive step which is like a concrete step coming out. totally stable. 10x the kwikee
9. i also think it has the flush windows.
to me the only downside to this rig is the bedroom. it is set up as another lounge area until you put the bed down from the wall. i would wonder how comfortable that bed is and if it is big enough. but it sure gives you a ton of extra room.
it didnt look like it has the mid bath. i really like the 1 1/2 bath of mine. but....since the bed is up when you are traveling, there is plenty of room to walk to the rear bath.
really nice newell.
(03-06-2013 15:19)encantotom Wrote: [ -> ]hi all,
that 2005 is a beautiful coach. was it a race coach? high genny hours usually means it was. my 2002 has 9000 hours on the genny and it is operating fine.
that said, there are some awesome features on this coach.
1. valid ball bearing slides
2. opposing couches up front. i love that
3. really cool desk (no dinette, but mine has a desk instead too so i like that)
5. new body style with the rooflines.
6. ducted hidden roof airs instead of basement airs
7. super pretty wood colored cabinets (couldnt tell if it was wood veneer or laminate)
8. it has the executive step which is like a concrete step coming out. totally stable. 10x the kwikee
9. i also think it has the flush windows.
to me the only downside to this rig is the bedroom. it is set up as another lounge area until you put the bed down from the wall. i would wonder how comfortable that bed is and if it is big enough. but it sure gives you a ton of extra room.
it didnt look like it has the mid bath. i really like the 1 1/2 bath of mine. but....since the bed is up when you are traveling, there is plenty of room to walk to the rear bath.
really nice newell.
Thanks so much for the "tutorial". I sincerely appreciate it.

Yeah, I know the NASCAR boys love their Newells so I figured that as well when I saw the genny. Stupid newbie questions please. Assuming you are not a LEO(lets eat out) where do you dine?? I am not being flippant, I am being sincere. I noticed that too in the video and pictures and my wife and I both could not figure it out. I guessed it had some kind of an "assembled" table / dinette that was hiding/ stored in place?????? For the record, for health reasons, we are a LDI couple (lets dine in)

Also, I have never been in a Newell and do not know anything about how its built, can you redo the aft cabin to make it a regular bedroom? One last dumb question, I know there is some year where the s60 turns into a fuel hog. The most optimum s60s were ??? to ??? in your opinion and those of your peer owners?????Thanks! PS this bus has added a new stop to my trip this year, I'm going to the Newell factory to play and see how they are put together!!!!!!!!

I'm sure you surmised by now, I'm trying to zero in on an optimum Newell vintage...... new enough for my taste, not too new as I have to reach for the American Express Black!

Again, thanks for "schoolin" me! :-)