06-10-2016, 18:50
Pages: 1 2
06-10-2016, 19:41
X2 Ernie
06-10-2016, 23:48
It's a really interesting and captivating build Frank. Thanks for the link. I read the thread in one sitting - couldn't put it down. I'm sure I'll check in from time to time to see how the conversion progresses. An advantage that comes to mind regarding the chiller is that he'll have infrastructure in place to cool his domestic fresh water tank. I understand that in the southwest it can sometimes be challenging to have comfortable shower water temperature. Given the outdoor summertime air temps and all the basement mechanicals adding heat to the fresh water tank, the fresh water is actually quite hot making it impossible to modulate the shower water temperature! Liberty conversions especially suffer from this because Liberty installed the generator cooling radiator and fan adjacent to the fresh water tank. I see nothing wrong with the use of a water chiller in a motorhome and I think it should perform as well as mini-split systems such as my four 16000 BTU cruesaires. Like the water chiller the mini-splits allow for easy zoning and are quiet. There seems to be a tradeoff between ducting and condensation drains in both systems. I like what he did. Thanks!
06-11-2016, 01:11
Hi David,
Thanks for the reply.
Here in the southwest we are accustomed to "hot water" coming out of both of our domestic plumbing pipes this time (summer) of year.
One correction on your last post: change all the references from "he," to "she!"
See post #1 ( http://www.skoolie.net/forums/f32/1998-v...12097.html ).
Thanks for the reply.
Here in the southwest we are accustomed to "hot water" coming out of both of our domestic plumbing pipes this time (summer) of year.
One correction on your last post: change all the references from "he," to "she!"
See post #1 ( http://www.skoolie.net/forums/f32/1998-v...12097.html ).
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